Monday, February 1, 2016

Introduction to Strength Training

There are important lessons and tips that every weight lifter needs to learn before they begin resistance training. These tips and lessons will help you have safe and steady results that will transform your body. There are many schools of thought when it comes to the best way to muscle building. My particular methods focus on increasing muscular strength instead of adding size or endurance. The following list will include some basic tips that will aid lifters in becoming as powerful as possible:

  • Your body will quickly become use to your workout routine, and thus it is important to vary your routine/lifts in order to challenge your body to grow. I recommend changing your fitness routines every month.
  • Maintain proper form when lifting and moving weights to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout.
  • When working out a specific muscle, make sure to only engage that muscle by using proper form for that specific workout. YouTube can be a good source for viewing what proper form looks like.
  • Your level of soreness is not a good indicator of having a good strength training workout.
  • Use a full range of motion when lifting. 
  • You should do 3-4 sets for each exercise for a maximum of 16 sets per day.
  • Workout every other day in order to allow your muscles to rest and recuperate.
  • You should do no more than 10 repetitions for each set.
  • Increase the weight you lift with each additional set.
  • As a rule of thumb, every additional 10lbs you add to your lift should equal 2 less repetitions. 
  • Your fitness routine should be balanced. Meaning, you should have an equal amount of push and pull days. Push days are when you are pushing a weight away from you, and pull days are when you are pulling the weight towards you. Examples of push day lifts include bench-press, shoulder press, etc. Examples of pull day lifts include rows, curls, etc.
  • Rest periods should last for 2-3 minutes, which will help rest your muscle for its next lift.    
These lessons are the backbone of gaining safe results from a resistance training program. Remember, injury is easy to prevent and hard to overcome.

To buy an Unobtainium Strength shirt to workout in go to: Workout Shirt or copy and paste the following URL into your address bar

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