Monday, February 29, 2016

Sneeze Post Highlighting Past Blog Posts

My blog has only been around for a couple of months, but there have already been some very important posts that I would like to highlight. The nature of blogs means that these posts get buried by the new ones that have been recently added. However, some of these early posts are essential reads for people who are new to weight lifting. They are important because they lay the overall foundation for my strength training philosophy and teachings. The three previous blog posts I want to highlight include “Why Strength Train”, “Introduction to Strength Training”, and “Essential Strength Training Exercises that should be a Part of Any Upper Body Workout”.
              Why Strength Train?
This post was originally added to my Blog on Sunday, January 31st. It highlighted some of the benefits that come from resistance strength training. This post gave eight different reasons for starting to weight lift. To view this post, go to:
              Introduction to Strength Training
This post was originally added to my blog on Monday, February 1st. In this post, I give some important lessons and tips to aid novice weight lifters in their journey to become as strong as possible. This is a great post that takes some of the mystery out of resistance strength training, and I guarantee that you will have productive workouts as long as you follow these tips and suggestions. To view this post, go to:
              Essential Strength Training Exercises that should be a Part of Any Upper Body Workout
This post was originally added to my blog on Saturday, February 20th. This post highlighted some of the essential exercises that should be included in any upper body workout. It specifically discuses lifts that target the chest and shoulders. To view this post, go to:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

MuscleTech Premium Protein Plus Recommendation

There are many supplements available that can help weight lifters reach their ultimate goals. However, protein powder is the most important one of all. In fact, the recommended protein intake for weight lifters is between .5 grams and .75 grams per pound of body weight. I personally recommend that individuals who are serious about resistance strength training get at least .75 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For example, I currently weigh 233 pounds and I make sure to get roughly 174 grams of protein per day. It is difficult to get this much protein from food and thus I supplement with protein powder.
              I personally use and recommend MuscleTech’s Premium Whey Protein Plus. I typically take one serving in the morning, one serving before my workout, and then an additional two servings after my workout. Since each serving has 20 grams of protein, I am receiving 80 grams of my daily protein needs in a convenient and economical way. Next, I will list the pros and cons of this product

  • Taste: Both the chocolate and vanilla flavors taste pretty good, especially with milk.
  • Cost: A five pound bag costs less than $40.
  • Amino Acids: Each serving has 2.5 grams of the following amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine, and glutamine.
  • Creatine: Each serving also has 2.5 grams of creatine which helps build muscle and aid in enhanced endurance.
  •  Sugar: It has a small amount of added sugar (3g).
  • Calcium: It has a good amount of calcium (110mg or 11% of your daily needs).

  •  Calories: It has a lot of calories (140 per serving).
  • Cholesterol: It has a lot of cholesterol (55mg per serving or 18% of your daily needs).
  • Mixing: It does not mix very well. I recommend using a blender.
Overall, this is a great protein and I plan on using it for as long as I continue to resistance strength train. It helps improve muscle performance, it aids in muscle recovery, it provides essential amino acids, and it tastes great for a powdered protein. MuscleTech Premium Whey Protein Plus can be ordered at: It can also be found at your local Sam’s Club.

Click Here!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Shotgun 5X Supplement Review

Today I will be reviewing a pre-workout supplement called Shotgun 5X. This product is manufactured by Vital Pharmaceuticals Inc., and it is sold in many different stores and online outlets. Pre-workout supplements are typically taken by weight lifters before they do a workout. They help weight lifting enthusiasts get the most out of their workouts by combining different helpful ingredients. Shotgun 5X combines various proteins, amino acids, vasodilators, creatines, and stimulants to help their customers achieve great results. I have been using this workout supplement for three weeks now. I will review it based on taste, energy, cost, effectiveness, and I will also give it an overall rating. I will give each of these dimensions a rating out of five stars.
·       Taste: I bought and I am reviewing the exotic fruit flavor. This flavor is advertised as a combination of kiwi, pomegranate, strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry. However, it mostly tastes like strawberry to me. For taste, Shotgun 5X gets a 3/5 stars.
·       Energy: This supplement uses B-vitamins and caffeine for focus and energy. For energy, I give this product 4/5 stars.
·       Cost: The price of Shotgun 5X ranges from $35-$45 depending on which retailer you purchase from. I bought this supplement for $35. There are 28 servings which mean at $35, it is $1.25 per serving. Considering the amount and quality of ingredients, I give this product 4/5 stars.
·       Effectiveness: Shotgun 5X has helped me have great workouts by giving me the energy and endurance to get an extra couple of repetitions on each lift. This supplement makes me want to stay at the gym and keep going strong throughout my entire workout. For effectiveness, I give this product 4/5 stars.
·       Overall: This is a good pre-workout supplement that combines proven ingredients to help weight lifters reach their goals.  One thing that sets this supplement apart from the others is the inclusion of protein. Each serving provides 14 grams of protein or roughly 28% of a person’s daily need. Overall, I give this pre-workout a 4/5 rating.

To view and purchase Shotgun 5X, please visit: VPX Sports