
Hello, my name is Big Red and I write informative blog posts for Resistance Strength Training in order to provide novice weight lifters with the knowledge and expertise needed to become stronger. Moreover, I have started this blog in order to provide helpful guidance to people who are interested in becoming stronger as quickly and safely as possible. I began strength training in high school during football, and I have continued to be active in the weightlifting community for over ten years. During that time, I have had the opportunity to learn from five different personal trainers, two strength conditioning coaches, and from a variety of muscle building publications. I will use the knowledge I have acquired over the years to provide my readers with valuable information that they can use to become stronger and more physically fit. Subsequent blog posts will discuss: my training philosophy, different exercises, training regiments, tips, tricks, proper form, and gym etiquette. I will also review various workout supplements and training aids that I have had experience with. I plan to continue growing in lockstep with this blog by adding further information that I gain in my pursuit of getting stronger. It is important to remember that everyone's body is a work in process, and that real changes in strength and body composition take hard work, dedication, proper supplementation, continued learning, and continuous feedback. The feedback and whether or not you are becoming stronger comes from keeping track of your progress. I look forward to providing my readers with important knowledge and growing stronger with them. To contact me, please email

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